Do you ever feel like you're missing out on incredible opportunities?
As children, we instinctively know how to ask for what we want, but as adults, this powerful skill often gets neglected. This simple skill can unlock immense potential, yet most of us hesitate to use it.
Here's the truth: You could be getting more of what you want in life simply by asking effectively.
Now we believe that asking with faith is key to success. However, we understand that ignitive this faith can be challenging. This is why at this event, you'll receive a free bottle of Blessed Oil from Mount Sinai.
This oil is a powerful symbol of faith, set apart and consecrated by the Bishops and Pastors of the UCKG. It serves as a tangible reminder of God's presence and can help you transform your faith into action (for more detail scroll down).
Join our special event at the Queen Elizabeth Stadium Arena and learn how to master the art of asking through faith. We'll explore the reasons why you might not be getting what you want and equip you with practical tools for success. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your life and unlock your true potential!
Event Details:
• Date: Sunday, 15 September 2024 - Watch this space for updates next year!
• Time: 3pm (doors open 2pm with VYG and Caleb performances)
• Location: Queen Elizabeth Stadium Arena
• For more information: Call or WhatsApp 2827 2525

Tess Peralta
“I had rashes, internal pain, headache and fever. It was shingles, an illness caused by the same virus as chickenpox. Doctors said with medication it would take at least 4 weeks to heal. I decided to use the blessed oil and pray, then I used it to clean the rashes. In 3 days they dried out. All the symptoms disappeared!”

Genalyn Corsey
“Depression led me to have a strange allergy on my face. No medication worked. Feeling hopeless I wanted to kill myself. At the UCKG I learned to overcome the depression but the allergies remained. So I anointed myself with blessed oil and prayed, believing my skin would be restored. Today my skin is completely clear.”

Many people find it difficult to use their faith in God because He seems to be far away. The oil, on the other hand, is something tangible, which helps people’s faith in Him to be ‘real’. Remember, its faith in God that prompts the miracle; the oil is merely a point of contact between you and Him.
Simply place a small amount of the oil on the object, place or whatever represents difficulties or challenges in your life, and say a prayer asking for God’s intervention. Remember, it is your faith in God that prompts the miracle; So, believe and do not doubt.
So we are inviting you to come and see how a simple element, can be used as a sign of your faith in God. You will receive a free bottle of the Blessed Oil from Israel. The oil itself does not produce the miracle, rather it’s a catalyst of your faith in God, which prompts the results to take place. On the day, you will hear people sharing their personal experiences using the oil, and a message to empower you to take an action towards your desired goal.


...to anoint the sick
...to anoint the emotionally distressed
...to anoint your loved ones and family
...to anoint objects or places that represent difficulties
...to anoint your work place
...to anoint yourself asking God for wisdom and direction

Please note that the Blessed Oil itself has no magical properties, but it can be used to awaken your faith and give you the willpower to overcome your battles. The UCKG HelpCentre’s spiritual advice is to be seen as a complement to the scientifically proven treatment you may be receiving. The UCKG HelpCentre does not claim to heal people but believes that God can through the power of faith. Always follow your doctor’s instructions. Intended for external use only.

Queen Elizabeth Stadium Arena
18 Oi Kwan Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
(Wan Chai MTR Exit A3)
Sunday 15 September at 3pm
(doors open 2pm with VYG & Caleb performances)
Who is organizing the event?
I belong to a different religion; can I still participate?
Can I bring someone with me?
I can't wait until September 15, can I speak to someone now?
I have children, will anyone take care of them whilst I attend the event?
Do I have to pay to attend this event?
2827 2525